Sublime Text 3 Ide Python

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  1. Sublime Text 3 With Anaconda Python Ide
  2. Sublime Text With Python
  3. Sublime Text Python Package
  4. Configure Sublime Text For Python
  5. Sublime Text 3 Python Ide

PayCharm is a cross-platform IDE used for Python programming. This editor can be used. Although Sublime Text 3 is a text editor but it has some IDE-like functions, such as projects and 'builds' to execute other programs from inside the editor. Python have a inbuilt build system for python but it fails when you want to give input to your program. You can make a build system to Run python code in the terminal where you can give. The author of the book suggests using Sublime Text 3 as my Text Editor for Python, so I've installed it and I'm trying to get python to run. I'm aware that I need to build a new system in order for Python3 to run and so I've made a.system-build file containing the following.

Some time ago I made a list of recommended packages for atom, now Iwill do the same for Sublime Text 3 (ST3).

Sublime Text 3 (ST3) is a lightweight, proprietary cross-platform source codeeditor, editor very similar to atom (supports plugins, typicallycommunity-built) and known for ease of use, strong community support [1] andit's pretty fast (much better than atom in opening, closing, searching, etc. isvery smooth and fast since it is written in C ++ and Python for plugins).

General information

  1. URL:
  2. Developer(s): Jon Skinner (former Google Engineer) and Will Bond
  3. Platforms: mac OSX (10.7 or later), Windows and GNU/Linux
  4. License: Proprietary software
  • unlimited free trial, with pop-up remembering to buy (like winrar does).
  • license costs $80 at the time of writing this post (One-time payment).

It's an incredible editor right out of the box, but the real power comes fromthe ability to enhance its functionality using Package Control and creatingcustom settings.

In this post I have picked some useful and/or 'most interesting' ST3 packagesI've found.

Sublime Text 3 has some features included by default (that in other editors wehave to add them with plugins), among them the most important we have:

  1. Minimap: display a condensed preview of your code for quick navigation.
  2. Split Layouts: allow you to arrange your files in various split screens.This is useful when you are doing test driven development (Python code onone screen, test scripts on another) or working on the front end (HTML onone screen and CSS/JavaScript in another).
  3. Vintage Mode: provides you with vi commands for use within ST3.
  4. Automatic loading of the last session re-opens all files and folders you hadopen when you closed the editor the last time.
  5. Code Snippets: giving you the ability to create common pieces of codewith a single keyword. There are a number of default snippets. For example,open a new file, type lorem, and press Tab. You should get a paragraphof lorem ipsum text.

Note: You can also create your own snippets: Tools > New Snippet. Referto the documentation for help.

You can fully configure Sublime Text using JSON-based settings files (for thebase and language-specific settings), so it's easy to transfer or synchronizeyour customized settings to another system.

General settings

First, we need to create our base customized settings. To set up a base file,in Sublime Text click Preferences > Settings - User. This opens thedefault preferences (on the left) and a empy JSON object to write ourpersonalized preferences (on the right, calledPreferences.sublime-settings - User).

For example this is my (mimimalist) Preferences.sublime-settings - User:

In this configuration we established the following setings:

  1. The 'rulers': [80] insert a vertical ruler in the column 80. For theoldest coding practice is to keep line width 80 chars (better for diff andsmall terminal screens).
  2. The 'tab_size': 4 to set tabs length to 4 spaces (common in somelanguages like Python) and the 'translate_tabs_to_spaces': true willconvert tabs into spaces automatically when tab key ↹ is pressed.
  3. The draw_white_space': 'all' is to show invisibles (spaces,tabs, etc.)in the text. Other possible values: 'selection' to draw the white spaceonly in the selected text and 'none' to turn off.
  4. Others: 'default_encoding': 'UTF-8',``set the default coding for newfiles and ``'ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save': true is useful in unixsystems. [2]

Language specific settings

In sublime text you can set a specific configuration for each languageindependently.

For language specific settings, click in Sublime Text: Preferences >Settings - More > Syntax Specific - User. Then save the file using thefollowing format: LANGUAGE.sublime-settings.

You can obviously configure your settings to your liking. However, I highlyrecommend starting with settings and then making changes as you see fit.

HTML and CSS Preferences:

At the beginning we set tab length to 4 spaces, for me HTML and CSS projectsneed 2 spaces for indentation (because HTML tends to nest very deeply andanything more than two spaces tends to start pushing HTML off the right edge ofan 80-column screen pretty quickly).

So let's set different tab size for HTML. In Sublime Text go to:Preferences > Settings - More > Syntax Specific - User to create anempty configuration. Copy the following configuration to the empty file:

Then save the file as HTML.sublime-settings (go to file > save asand rename the file as HTML.sublime-settings Save and close it).

For the CSS we are also going to leave the tab length to 2 spaces, for thatgo to: Preferences > Settings - More > Syntax Specific - User tocreate an empty configuration. Copy the following configuration in the empyfile:

Then save the file as CSS.sublime-settings (go to file > save asand rename the file, Save and close it).

Python Preferences:

This is my Python-specific settings. In Sublime Text go to:Preferences > Settings - More > Syntax Specific - User to create anempty configuration. Copy the following configuration to the empty file:

Save the file as Python.sublime-settings (go to file > save asand rename the file, Save and close it).

A good reference for settings can be found at the Sublime Text UnofficialDocumentation.

Now is time to install some additional plugins and themes but for that first wehave to install the package manager called Package Control. Once you have itinstalled, you can use it to install, remove, and upgrade other ST3 packages.

Installing Package Control

To install the Package Control you have two alternatives:

  1. If you got a recent build [3] of Sublime text 3, go to Tools >Install Package Control
  2. If you do not have the previous option (or you are using an old version ofsublime text) you simply have to open the Sublime Text console (menuView > Show Console), go to the installation page on their website, and copy some strange Python code,paste the code into the console, press Enter ↵ and.. Presto!You can now install any package easily from within Sublime.

After you install it, you'll be able to get packages right from Sublime Text.Forget about manually searching and installing stuff! Digital painting programs.

Package Control Usage

Sublime Text 3 With Anaconda Python Ide

  1. Open the Command Palette: Press Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows or GNU/Linux) orCmd()+Shift+P (Mac OS X).
  2. Type 'Package Control' and select 'Package Control: Install Package'.
  3. A list of available packages will display in the Palette. Double-click onthe Package name to start installing this package.

Themes are subjective, and I'd normally avoid recommending one. However, inAtom I liked the Seti theme and sublime text has a port of this theme. OthersThemes that I personally like are:

After installing a theme (using the Package Control), make sure to update yourbase settings through Sublime Text Preferences > Settings - User andadd the theme lines in your user settings, for example:

Like Atom, Sublime has a lot of packages and themes! For me the essentials are:

Bracket HighLighter

This plugin gives a great visual hint to where is a tag or bracket ending.Helps a lot, especially in debugging by highlighting the scope

Color HighLighter

HighLighter is a package for displaying as a highlight of the hex, gba, rgba,hsl, hsla, etc. code. with their real color. When you click on that particularcode it fills it with color.

In addition y comes with it's own color picker, just press ctrl +Shift + C andpick your colour.

  • Alternative:Color Highlight

Code​ Formatter

Code​ Formatter will turn messy (or minify) code into neater and more readable.It has support for programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON,PHP, Python and VBScript.


Sublime Linter is a framework 'base' for ST3 linters plugins for majorlanguages, providing the top level API for linters. After installing this mainpackage, you need to install the specific linter for language you work on.


Themes are subjective, and I'd normally avoid recommending one. However, inAtom I liked the Seti theme and sublime text has a port of this theme. OthersThemes that I personally like are:

After installing a theme (using the Package Control), make sure to update yourbase settings through Sublime Text Preferences > Settings - User andadd the theme lines in your user settings, for example:

Like Atom, Sublime has a lot of packages and themes! For me the essentials are:

Bracket HighLighter

This plugin gives a great visual hint to where is a tag or bracket ending.Helps a lot, especially in debugging by highlighting the scope

Color HighLighter

HighLighter is a package for displaying as a highlight of the hex, gba, rgba,hsl, hsla, etc. code. with their real color. When you click on that particularcode it fills it with color.

In addition y comes with it's own color picker, just press ctrl +Shift + C andpick your colour.

  • Alternative:Color Highlight

Code​ Formatter

Code​ Formatter will turn messy (or minify) code into neater and more readable.It has support for programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON,PHP, Python and VBScript.


Sublime Linter is a framework 'base' for ST3 linters plugins for majorlanguages, providing the top level API for linters. After installing this mainpackage, you need to install the specific linter for language you work on.

Sublime Text With Python


Emmet (formerly known as Zen Coding) is a plugin available for popular texteditors (ncluding Sublime Text, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Atom, etc.) that letyou write native HTML code without having to directly write HTML tags, insteaduse Emmet's shortcuts. For example you would type this string into your editor:

And then the hit the expand Abbreviation' key (default the Ctrl+e). The code ismagically transformed into valid HTML:


A page reloading plugin for sublime text 3.


Just run this and it will automatically add add every CSS prefix.Simple and blazing fast!


Minify for Sublime Text allows you to quickly minify and/or beautify CSS,JavaScript, JSON, HTML and SVG files

  • AlternativeMinifier:Minifies JS and CSS files

Sublime Text Python Package

linters CSS and js

CSS and js Lint error reports for your editor (require Sublime Linter)

linter flake8 and pydocstyle

Next, we're going to install a Python Linter package, to help us detect errorsin our Python code. Logic pro x advanced tutorial. This package is called linter-flake8 and it's an interfaceto flake8 (Simply speaking flake8 is 'the wrapper which verifies pep8, pyflakes and circularcomplexity').

If you installed the linter-flake8 package, you already have automatic PEP8validation but another package is missing to validate docstrings according tothe semantics and conventions in PEP 257. This is solved with linter-pydocstylewhich can be used side-by-side with the flake8 linter.

Configure Sublime Text For Python

Another interesting package alternative is Pylint which is a tool to verifymodules and packages used for multiple files to finish.


Another option is Anaconda. It adds a number of IDE-like features to ST3including the following:

  • Autocompletion: works by default, but there are a number of configurationoptions.
  • Find Usage: quickly searches where a variable, function, or class hasbeen used in a specific file.
  • Goto Definitions: finds and displays the definition of any variable,function, or class throughout your entire project.
  • Code linting: uses either PyLint or PyFlakes with PEP 8. I personally usea different linting package (mentioned above) so I disable linting altogetherin the user-defined Anaconda settings file (Anaconda.sublime-setting),via the file menu: Preferences > Package Settings > Anaconda >Settings - User adding the line {'anaconda_linting': false} to thefile, Anaconda.sublime-setting
  • McCabe code complexity checker: runs the McCabe complexity checker tool within a specific file.
  • Show Documentation: shows the docstring for functions or classes (ifdefined, of course).
  • requirementstxtprovides autocompletion and syntax highlighting as well as a nice versionmanagement system for your requirements.txt files.
  • All official linter plugins forSublimeLinter
  • Markdown Previewis used for previewing and building markdown files.


Sublime Text 3 Python Ide

[1]an example of this is the unofficial documentation for the SublimeText that is better than the official.

According to POSIX, every text file consists of a series of lines, eachof which ends with a newline character (n), including the last one.

Some programs have problems processing the last line of a file if it isn'tnewline terminated. For example GCC warns about it not because it can'tprocess the file, but because it has to as part of the standard.

Reference: The GCC/GNU mail archive. and how the POSIXstandard defines a line (see 3.206 Line).

[3]SublimeText 3 Build 3124 o higher.

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